Tercet Verdant Paths by Christopher Buck

Tercet Verdant Paths
by Christopher Buck

We used to lay about playing games
On the streets and the park,
Dousing knees in grass stains

Sticks and stones were swords and shot
Fired in the tournament-blue sky
Cloudlessly, we rained supreme our plot

Out past sundown star-shining light dark
Tracing TV static constellations and future contemplations
Well past cries for dinner, candy will have to hit the mark 

Bare-chested Ursa Major suntan tie-dye
Green knees and black soles
No matter the melanin we all ended red by-

The end of the day
No matter if, what, which way
Aloe allowed, we were reluctant to say, 


Goodbye means the fun has to end
The conversation has to cease
'Til our waving arms pass around the bend 

Praying, once more, to see tomorrow
The sun to rise, our eyes to meet
Goodbye is just a word we'll have to borrow 

"Goodbye" smells of cold breeze sweat
Shared with every cumulative cumulus day
When painted, what colors of fun have we not discovered yet?

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Christopher Buck is a prolific writer, having earned a Bachelor’s degree in English and Creative Writing from the prestigious University of Iowa. He produces writing daily covering a plethora of themes ranging from the loss of innocence, grappling with the present, and suburban life. He utilizes free verse, rhyme schemes, and spoken word to create an encompassing experience for his readers to enjoy, connect, and process with. Christopher has meticulously crafted his writing at an exponential rate, citing his earliest surviving poem from 2003, as a continued source of inspiration that serves as a comfortable reminder of both how far he has come with the skill of writing, and how much farther he wishes to reach. Excerpts of his writing can be read on Instagram at @Env0writes.

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